Maximize the Productivity of Your Fleet Management System with Remote Dispatch Management or Monitoring

In order to get the most out of any fleet management system, you need to have good dispatching operations. Good dispatching can make a significant difference in the benefits and increased productivity you get.

What is Good Dispatching?

Good dispatching operations requires:

  • Moving loading areas as the excavators and loader move.

  • Monitoring operators to insure that they are setting their status correctly.

  • Adjusting loader queue sizes as required.

  • Changing loader priorities as required.

  • Changing equipment status to Down or Standby if they are not in production status.

  • Closing roads when necessary.

  • Setting material types for each loading area.

  • Spotting unauthorized delays and stops.

  • Spotting mis-routes and not following assignments.

  • Coordinating with the in-pit  supervisors.

  • Coordinating maintenance for equipment that has a problem.

Remote dispatch

So it takes constant awareness of what is happening in every part of the mine.

Frankly, good dispatchers are hard to find and train.  It requires a good knowledge of mining operations and the fleet management system. Also, requires fast thinking and good communications skills.

With MinkLink or MineTrack, we give you the option of hiring us to do remote management or remote monitoring of your system.

How it Works:

We remotely monitor your MinkLink or MineTrack system,  either over the internet or our own network, in our 24/7 FMS control room.  From our control room, we can see the real-time maps and reports that show where every piece of equipment is and what it is doing.  We can monitor the movement of the material in real-time.

We can either communicate with your on-site dispatchers, and/or with remote 2-way radio capability, we can communicate directly to the operators.

Levels of Service:

  • Remote Dispatch Management:

We do it all and communicate directly with the operators and supervisors. We can work with an on-site dispatcher to help.

  • Remote Monitoring:

We monitor the operations and advise the on-site dispatchers when action is needed.  This can either be 24/7 or any shift hours you want.

The Advantages:

  • Reduces your costs.
  • You get expert management of your fleet for maximum productivity
  • We can tailor the service to meet your requirements
For more information and to engage with our experts, visit our contact page.
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